An Ingress Linking and Fielding Strategy Generator

The Maxfield website will be offline 11 August 2022 - 19 August 2022.
Welcome to version 4.0 of Ingress Maxfield. If this is your first time using this tool, please read the Instructions below. If you have questions or suggestions, visit our subreddit or contact me!

This version (v4.0) is a nearly complete re-write of the original Maxfield code (based originally off of work by J. Peter Baker), which brings Maxfield into the future with Python 3, fixes many bugs, and improves the algorithm dramatically. Previous users of Maxfield will notice that plans are now much more efficient in that they require fewer keys from any individual portal, and the link order is more sensible for multi-agent operations. As before, the version of Ingress Maxfield on this website is limited by computation resources, so you are limited to 100 portals in your plan, and you might not get the best plan for your portal list. If you are unsatisfied with your plan, re-run Maxfield again, or download the code and run it locally.

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Ingress Maxfield is an Ingress linking and fielding strategy generator. Given a list of portals, Maxfield will determine the optimal order to link the portals to create the most fields and earn the most AP whilst walking the least. The script uses the same strategy as outlined in this Youtube video. The backend for this website is a Python program written by J. Peter Baker which you can find on his Github repository. I have completely re-written the program, which is used on this website or you can download on my Github repository.

Ingress Maxfield does NOT violate the Ingress/Niantic Terms of Service. This application simply uses the positions of portals, extracted from the portal URL copied by the user from the Intel website, to generate a linking and fielding plan.

Since this website is used by many people, the version of Ingress Maxfield is setup to generate plans quickly, but they will not be "ideal". Therefore, you will likely get a different plan each time you submit the same portal list. Your portal list must also contain fewer than 100 portals. If you are unsatisfied with your plan, re-submit your portal list or download the code and run it locally.
How to use this website:
  1. Determine the number of agents you will be working with as well as which portals will be included in the operation. On this website, you must have fewer than 100 portals in your list.
  2. You will need some information about the portals you want to include in this operation: 1) the portal name, 2) the Intel map link for this portal (see below for instructions on getting this), 3) (optional) the number of keys your teams has for this portal, and 4) (optional) SBUL if the portal is fully-deployed with SoftBank Ultra Links.
  3. In a plain text document (i.e. not a Microsoft Word document - use a basic text editor such as Notepad), create a list of the portals. The format of this list must be:
    Portal name; Intel map link; (Optional) Number of keys your team has for this portal; (optional) SBUL
    For example:
    Confederate Cemetery;,-78.513349&z=17&pll=38.036267,-78.513897; 3; SBUL
  4. Note: be sure to remove all ";" and "#" symbols from your portal names. These symbols are reserved for Maxfield, and your portal list will be incorrectly parsed if these symbols exist in the portal names!
  5. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page. You may upload your list or copy it in to the text area. Note: if you upload your portal list, it must be in plain text format (NOT a Microsoft Word .doc).
  6. If you would like to receive an email when your request is processed, enter your email address in the form below.
  7. When you push submit, your request will be processed. It may take several minutes to generate your plan.
How to get the Intel map link for a portal:
  1. Locate a portal on the Intel map
  2. Click on the portal. This will open the portal information frame.
  3. Click on the "Link" button () in the upper-right of the Intel map.
  4. Copy the map link and paste it into your portal list.
Developing and maintaining Ingress Maxfield takes time, energy, and money. If you like what I am doing or you find yourself using the site often, please turn off your adblocker and consider donating towards server fees. Every little donation helps.
5 Feb 2020 - v4.0
This is a complete re-write of the original Maxfield code! There are too many changes to list, but I hope you find that the plans are better and the output is nicer! The website has also been re-written and improved. If you find any problems, please contact me!

8 Mar 2016 - v3.1
26 Feb 2016 - v3.0
23 May 2015 - Bug Fix - v2.2
21 April 2015 - Bug Fixes - v2.1
28 January 2015 - Feature Addition
23 December 2014 - Small Bug Fix
05 October 2014 - Small Website Update
03 October 2014 - Maxfield and Website Updates
11 August 2014 - Website Updates

Jobs in queue: 0. Estimated wait time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds.
Total jobs processed (since v4.0): 29,404. Total jobs processed (all time): 161,955.

Portal list file
Number of agents:
Use Google Maps?
Color schemeENLRES